Saturday, May 2, 2009

Changes at the Top-April

Amanda Bergeron
, editorial assistant, added to list of acquisitions editors

Grand Central
Celia Johnson
, assistant editor, added to list of acquisitions editors


Barbara Jones, named editorial director for Hyperion and Voice Imprints

Medallion Press
Jessica Vicich
, listed as acquisitions editor

New American Library (NAL)
Becky Binter
, assistant editor, added to list of acquisitions editors
Lisa Shwartz, editorial assistant, no longer listed as acquisition editor

Penguin Group
Denise Roy, named senior editor for Plume Imprint

Random House
Laura Ford, named editor for Ballantine Imprint

Random House UK

Rebecca Carter, named editor-at-large for Harvill Secker line
Stuart Williams, named editorial director for Harvill Secker line

Literary Agency
Janet Silver, agent for Zachary Shuster Harmsworth

Jim McCarthy, named senior agent for Dystel & Goderich Literary Management

Chasya Milgrom, named royalties manager and agent for Dystel & Goderich Literary Management

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